Louise Bourgeois passed away today. If you don’t know about her, you can read up here.

But there’s one personal reason why I remember her.

For decades, she ran a weekly salon out of her home in Chelsea. As long as you had something to show, you could call ahead, make an appointment, and be welcomed in around 3pm on Sunday for a very civilized, yet active, and sometimes critical salon.

I’ll spare you a description of the work I brought and what we said. But the important thing was, here were people from all different places and interests, coming together to discuss their work. And you had to discuss. You couldn’t just sit back sipping cognac and eating chocolates from the table. You had to be an active participant.

This was almost two years ago. Last year, one of the other attending artists told me that we were at the last salon ever held.

Nice to know you, Louise. Your and your salon influenced the way I communicate.

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